The Benito Soto book collection, first venture at publishing poetry in post-war Galicia (Pontevedra 1949-1950 / 1951-1952): On its initial agaleguism and other notes




How to Cite

Alonso Montero, X. (2019) “The Benito Soto book collection, first venture at publishing poetry in post-war Galicia (Pontevedra 1949-1950 / 1951-1952): On its initial agaleguism and other notes”, Boletín da Real Academia Galega. A Coruña, (380), pp. 291–299. doi: 10.32766/brag.380.774.



Conmemoración do 70 aniversario da Colección Benito Soto


  • Xesús Alonso Montero



Benito Soto book collection, Sabino Torres, Celso Emilio Ferreiro, Musa alemá, censorship


The present paper examines the political ideology of a group of Pontevedra boys who participated in the creation of the Benito Soto book collection. Eight out of its fourteen published books were writen in Galician. The book Musa alemá, a Galician translation of an anthology of poems by German writers, was published in 1951 but the edition was banned by the Spanish censorship. Apparently, all the books of Musa alemá were burned and Sabino Torres, the editor responsible, was penalized by the authorities. The writer of this paper questions the story about the clandestinity of the collection and the burning of the books of Musa alemá.


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Alonso Montero, Xesús (2006): “Inventario de textos galegos publicados nos anos da Guerra Civil e nos primeiros da Posguerra”, en Os escritores galegos ante a Guerra Civil Española. Vigo: Galaxia, 18-24.

Dasilva, Xosé Manuel (2008): “Ramón Piñeiro e a prohibición de traducir ao galego”, Grial 179, 86-97.

Iglesia Alvariño, Aquilino (1947): Cómaros verdes. [Vilagarcía de Arousa]: Ediciós Celta.

Torres Ferrer, Sabino (1991): “Onde se conta como foi o nacemento da Colección ‘Benito Soto’ e canto lle aconteceu ata a súa desaparición”, en La Colección Benito Soto: Poesía. Pontevedra: Deputación provincial, [sen paxinar].

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