'Caprice des dieux': cerimonia da liberdade




How to Cite

Rabuñal, H. (2013) “’Caprice des dieux’: cerimonia da liberdade”, Boletín da Real Academia Galega. A Coruña, (374), pp. 125–147. doi: 10.32766/brag.374.425.



Estudos sobre a figura homenaxeada no Día das Letras Galegas


  • Henrique Rabuñal




Vidal Bolaño, galician theater, Caprice des Dieux, Teatro Antroido, Centro Dramático Galego (Galician Dramatic Centre), veto, theater and power


The author analyzes in this article the uniqueness of the work Caprice des Dieux in the whole theater of Roberto Vidal Bolaño. The work, which in his day supposed a farewell to the stage of Roberto Vidal Bolaño, is based on a conflict of the author with the first political authorities of the Galician culture of the time (1985) but also on a disagreement with the professionals of the Galician theater of the same epoch. But what is intended above all in these pages is to be introduced to the lucid and engaged speech about theater and life that contains this controversial text that evokes ten years of activity of Antroido Theatre, one of the emblems and greatest achievements of Galician theater of yesterday, today and forever. Caprice des Dieux has proven an elaborate theatrical aesthetics scenically proven of the always conflictive relationship between theater and power.


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