Tales from the oral tradition collected by Dorothé Schubarth
Traditional tales, Dorothé Schubarth, dialectal language, oral language, popular languageAbstract
Dorothé Schubarth travelled through Galicia between the years 1978 and 1984 collecting traditional music and singing. The people who sang her the songs also told her traditional tales in which she had no scientific interest. Several of these were rerecorded by her on cassettes and handed in to the Archive of Oral Galician of the Institute of the Galician Language for possible publication.
In this work 22 tales collected in places in the municipalities of Pedrafita do Cebreiro, Cuntis, Dumbría or A Estrada are transcribed. They are preceded by an introduction in which the characteristics that define them as samples of popular oral language of dialectal character are analyzed.
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