The Galician-Portuguese border. Linguistic attitudes and perceptions








  • Lucía Díaz Nicolino



Galician-Portuguese border, linguistic attitudes, linguistic perceptions


The Galician-Portuguese border has a cultural richness that makes it exclusive. For decades, both sides of the line have been strongly linked, with interdependent economic systems and constant social relations. This constant interaction has caused the language spoken on either side of the line to share characteristics that make it identify as the same. The social relations themselves will be able to explain the reason for the perceptions and attitudes of Galicians and Portuguese in the neighbouring community.

This research is based on fieldwork carried out in the Galician region of Verín and in the Portuguese district of Vila Real, bordering territories. Through the statements of the speakers, an attempt was made to analyse the extent to which linguistic attitudes and perceptions are a reflection of the social relations between Galicians and Portuguese.


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