An uncertain future: the “ir + inf ” and “haber (de) + inf ” variation in the contemporary oral galician language








  • Daniel Amarelo Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)



future, Galician, evidentiality, corpus, variationism


This paper analyzes the future expression variation in contemporary oral Galician. This language has mechanisms for expressing futurity that go beyond the synthetic future: periphrases with <em>ir</em> and <em>haber</em> + infinitive, on the one hand, and the use of the present for future, on the other (Álvarez & Xove 2002; Freixeiro Mato 2006). Forms with <em>ir</em> and <em>haber</em> coexist for the future temporal reference and will be the protagonists of the present investigation. What linguistic factors favor each of the forms? Does <em>haber</em> +
<em>inf</em>. conserve uses derived from its deontic origins? How are both forms related to their respective processes of grammaticalization? With that in mind, 150 examples of the periphrastic future (<em>ir</em> + <em>inf</em>.) and 150 examples of the future with <em>haber</em> (<em>haber</em> (<em>de</em>) + <em>inf</em>.) were extracted from the Computerized Oral Corpus of the Galician Language and coded according to various linguistic factors. After a variationist analysis using the statistical program Goldvarb/Vabrul, the quantitative results for the statistically significant factors are shown. Next, we provide some analytical readings of this variation from usage-based linguistics. Finally, this work sheds light on the fine boundaries between temporality and modality regarding the future, as well as on these competing forms’ possible grammaticalization processes.


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Author Biography

Daniel Amarelo, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)

Doutoramento en Humanidades e Comunicación / Sociolingüística Crítica

Estudis d'Arts i Humanitats

Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)


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