Ideology and identity in musical discourse

the case of Galician hip-hop and trap through Rebeliom do Inframundo and Boyanka Kostova








  • Mª Belén Senín Santiago



critical discourse analysis, ideology, identity, hip-hop, trap


In the current global music scene, urban genres such as trap or hip-hop are on the rise, especially among youth. The Galician case is no exception. While hip-hop already enjoyed a certain trajectory, the entry into the scene of trap is, though recent, undeniably triumphant. However, it would be a serious absence of analysis to reduce the popularity of these genres to mere trends. Music, as a cultural product child of the context in which it is born, serves as a tool for the creation or reinforcement of identity, and as such it is not free of ideology. Thus, through analysis of these genres through the prism of critical discourse analysis, we will show how these enclose two opposite positions in terms of transmitted identity and ideology, two different reactions to the world of liquid modernity.


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