What do users usually look for in the Dictionary of the Royal Galician Academy?








  • Manuel González González
  • Begoña González Rei




DRAG, lexicography, use of the dictionary, Royal Galician Academy, Real Academia Galega, linguistic correction


Based on the analysis of the data of the most sought-after words in the DRAG during the year 2017, it is intended to find out what kind of information the users of the Dictionary of the RAG seek primarily and what are the factors that mainly induce a user to go to the dictionary in search of information. The study of these data shows that, besides the meaning of a voice, the user also often seeks other types of information: voice authenticity, correct spelling, pronunciation, morphological information... In this study it is concluded that the two external factors that most influence the number of searching for a word are the circulation of this in the social media and its presence in the educational world.


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