'Catalán' en galego, 'galego' en catalán. Tratamento das linguas galega e catalá nas principais obras lexicográficas dos países cataláns e de Galicia








  • Eduard del Castillo Velasco




Lexicography, monolingual dictionaries, Galician language, Catalan language, minority languages


Dictionaries are works whose contents not only depend on their writers' intellectual training-revealing either a profound or a shallow linguistic knowledge, a greater or a lesser control of the lexicographical techniques, etc. They are also subject both to their creators' prejudices as well as to the social, cultural, and political context of the historical moment in which they were created. To this day, relations between Galicia and the the Catalan Countries still do not enjoy the normality which they should. Instead, their cultures remain in the background behind the official Spanish culture which dominates the sociocultural panorama of the state in which these cultures, for the most part, develop. The additional effort required to relate one country to another can often create an incomplete picture and erroneous interpretations of the sociocultural and sociolinguistic reality of the culture that would know or be known. This obstacle is also reflected in lexicographical works and then solidified through the imprecisions and gaps present in definitions relative to Galician language and culture-in the case of the Catalans-and Catalan language and culture-insofar as Galicians receive it. The present study will show how this situation influences the writing in the reference dictionaries most used today in each particular cultural sphere, accomplished through an analysis of the definitions of concepts related to the Galician and Catalan languages. Lastly, new definitions are proposed for the entries dealing with language denominations.


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