Partículas exceptivas: problemas de delimitación e proposta de análise
Exceptive particles, corpus, categorisation, preposition, conjunction, adverb, polarity, correlation, syntax, Galician languageAbstract
A comprehensive description of the functional behaviour of the Galician excluding~exceptive particles "excepto", "menos", "quitado", "quitando", "sacado", "sacando" and "salvo", and combinations of these with "que" and "se", is presented in this work. A vast and heterogeneous corpus, self-compiled from examples retrieved from the reference corpora of present-day written common Galician language (CORGA and TILG), was used for this purpose. Classification of these particles either as prepositions or conjunctions in present literature is also questioned in this article, while exposing the reasons both for and against each theory. Finally, an analysis model and a new categorisation are proposed.