Un muiñeiro de verbas no corazón da escola




How to Cite

Casalderrey, F. (2016) “Un muiñeiro de verbas no corazón da escola”, Boletín da Real Academia Galega. A Coruña, (377), pp. 265–287. doi: 10.32766/brag.377.510.



Estudos sobre a figura homenaxeada no Día das Letras Galegas


  • Fina Casalderrey




dictatorship, school, pioneer, teacher, language, speech, diglossia, Vagalume, normalization, ethics, commitment, lyricism, authenticity, freedom, childhood, bridge, poem, music, dramatization, narration, social media, delight, gratitude


During childhood, we shape our behavior and build our identity. In this formation period, school plays a decisive role. In this respect, there is no question about the invaluable contribution of Manuel María’s work. The power of his language and his deep and unwavering convictions made and still make his work hugely efficient in the recovery of our identity as a people (one should only check out social media to gauge its impact in Galician schools). It also contributes to the normalization of Galician language, as it is an opportunity to relish its beauty.

Those of us who started teaching when EXB (General Basic Education, 1970) was implemented are in great debt to him. We came from a time of locked doors and we could find in his work (not only in his children’s works) seductive keys that won our hearts. Some of those children, who are now teachers, are trying to get their students to feel that lightning that can make simple things glow (that is why he was dubbed as “the God of small things”). Manuel María worked wonders by resurrecting moons, winds, rivers and paths to enter with his words into the heart of school. He placed his words on it truly and beautifully, sharing his view of the world and his way of being in it.


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Blanco Torrado, Alfonso (coord.) (2001): Manuel María. [libro homenaxe / organizado pola] Asociación Cultural Xérmolos. Lugo: Ophiusa.

Ledo Andión, Margarita (2016): Manuel María: Eu son fala e terra desta miña terra [filme]. [Galicia]: Nós, Produtora Cinematográfica Galega.

Manuel María (1968): Os soños na gaiola. Lugo: Cartonaxes Anmi.

Manuel María (1969): Barriga Verde. Vigo: Edicións Castrelos.

Manuel María (1979): As rúas do vento ceibe. A Coruña: Edicións Xistral / Asociación Socio-Pedágóxica Galega.

Manuel María (1990): Os soños na gaiola. Vigo: Edicións Xerais de Galicia.

Manuel María (1993): Antoloxía poética. A Coruña: Espiral Maior.

Manuel María (1981): Aventuras e desventuras dunha espiña de toxo chamada Berenguela. Santiago de Compostela: Edicións Xistral / Asociación Socio-Pedágóxica Galega.

Manuel María (2015): Poemas escollidos. Manuel María. [Outeiro de Rei]: Fundación Manuel María de Estudos Galegos.

Manuel María (2016): Antoloxía poética. Vigo: Galaxia. Edición de Darío Xohán Cabana e Amelia Outeiro Portela.

Queixas Zas, Mercedes (2016): Labrego con algo de poeta. Biografía de Manuel María. Vigo: Galaxia.

Vagalume: publicación infantil e xuvenil. Santiago de Compostela, n.º 1 (1/I/1975) – n.º 46 (/V/1978).

Zuaza, Luis Ahumada (2008): “El teatro para niños de Carmen Conde”, Cuadernos de Literatura Infantil y Juvenil 216, 26-36.