Rutas do canle segredo




How to Cite

Álvarez Cáccamo, X. M. (2015) “Rutas do canle segredo”, Boletín da Real Academia Galega. A Coruña, (376), pp. 443–450. doi: 10.32766/brag.376.484.



Centenario Xosé María Álvarez Blázquez, Xaime Isla Couto e Ramón Piñeiro


  • Xosé María Álvarez Cáccamo



Xosé M.ª Álvarez Blázquez, Galician literature, poetry, literary criticism, conversational speech, emotions, communicative power of silence


The essay deals with the poetry of Canle Segredo, a book written by Xosé M.ª Álvarez Blázquez between the years 1951 and 1954 which was only subsequently published twenty years later. This long delay prevented his poems from having any impact upon the colloquialism and social realism that dominated Galician literature by the time of its writing. But when the book was finally published the intimist poems of Canle Segredo showed to be in tune with the main renovation of Galician poetry that took place during the eighties.


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Álvarez Blázquez, Xosé María (1976): Canle segredo. Vigo: Edicións Castrelos.

Álvarez Cáccamo, Xosé María (2008): “Silencio e voz de Canle segredo”, en Xosé María Álvarez Blázquez, Canle segredo. Vigo: Galaxia.

Cabana, Darío Xohán (2008): Xosé María Álvarez Blázquez: vida e obra. Vigo: Edicións Xerais de Galicia.

Méndez Ferrín, Xosé Luís (1984): De Pondal a Novoneyra: poesía galega posterior á guerra civil. Vigo: Edicións Xerais de Galicia.

Rodríguez Baixeras, Xavier (2007): “Introdución”, en Xosé María Álvarez Blázquez, Poesía galega completa. Vigo: Edicións Xerais de Galicia, 7-83.