A career in the service of Galicia



How to Cite

Villanueva Gesteira, M. D. (2024) “A career in the service of Galicia”, Boletín da Real Academia Galega. A Coruña, (384), pp. 25–34. doi: 10.32766/brag.384.835.



Estudos sobre a figura homenaxeada no Día das Letras Galegas


  • María Dolores Villanueva Gesteira Fundación Penzol / IES Álvaro Cunqueiro




Francisco Fernández del Riego, Galicianist Party, Galicianism, prison, culturalism, commitment, politics, ideologist


The figure of Francisco Fernández del Riego is associated with a large number of initiatives over the course of the 20th century. Although he initially focused his efforts on active politics, whether as a student leader or member of the Galicianist Party, he regarded culture as the most feasible form of activism following the Spanish Civil War. However, he was imprisoned on two occasions; as he himself stated, a commitment to Galician culture at that time was tantamount to political involvement. His remained committed to Galician nationalism throughout his life, as demonstrated by his full involvement in every project he undertook, and the initiatives, proposals and strategies in support of Galician language and culture that he led.


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Fernández del Riego, Francisco (1990). O río do tempo. Unha historia vivida. Sada: Ediciós do Castro.

Fernández del Riego, Francisco (1992). O cego de Pumardedón. Vigo: Ir Indo.

Fernández del Riego, Francisco (2003). Camiño andado. Vigo: Galaxia.

Lorenzana, Salvador [Francisco Fernández del Riego] (1948). Hacia la difusión de nuestros libros. La Noche, 30/I/1948, p. 4.

Villanueva Gesteira, Malores (2022). Un loitador pola idea de Galicia. Vigo: Galaxia.

Villanueva Gesteira, Malores (2023). Furar nas tebras da clandestinidade. Francisco Fernández del Riego na cadea. Grial. 237, 75-81.