The Treatment of the poetic genre in the essays of Ricardo Carballo Calero. Literay criticism, canon and historiography



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Valverde, A. (2020) “The Treatment of the poetic genre in the essays of Ricardo Carballo Calero. Literay criticism, canon and historiography”, Boletín da Real Academia Galega. A Coruña, (381), pp. 91–118. doi: 10.32766/brag.381.788.



Estudos sobre a figura homenaxeada no Día das Letras Galegas


  • Alberte Valverde



Ricardo Carballo Calero, poetry, literary criticism, canon, historiography, national literature, literary nationalism


The main objective of this article is to review the essay production of Ricardo Carballo Calero focusing on poetry of the twentieth century. Its scope encompasses his beginnings as an essayist in the Nós magazine to the presentation of his great work, Historia da literatura galega contemporánea [History of Contemporary Galician Literature] in the definitive edition of 1979. At the same time, it will be compared with different representative features in Carballo Calero’s texts and those of other practitioners in the field. Specifically, this work aims to use the production of this author as a basis on which to observe how criticism is conceived and developed in the Galician literary field of the twentieth century.

It will examine Carballo Calero’s proposal for a poetic canon for the twentieth century and his contribution to the construction of a scientific historiography linked to incipient literary nationalism. It therefore intends to provide a survey of work that is regarded as having been decisive in the adoption of specific approaches to Galician criticism and historiography that are still employed in the present.


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