Description and prescription in Saco's Grammar




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González Seoane, E. X. (2018) “Description and prescription in Saco’s Grammar”, Boletín da Real Academia Galega. A Coruña, (379), pp. 407–417. doi: 10.32766/brag.379.740.



Homenaxe a Juan Antonio Saco Arce


  • Ernesto X. González Seoane



Juan A. Saco Arce, Galician, gramar, prescription, description, linguistic variation, language models


The appearance of the first Galician grammars in the middle of the nineteenth century lead to their authors pondering about two fundamental questions: on the one hand, to determine which variety or varieties will be used as a reference point for grammatical study and, on the other, to decide whether this grammatical study should be approached from an eminently descriptive angle or from a more prescriptive one.

This paper analyses Saco’s position as concerns these two aspects, relating it to the opinions of his contemporaries. In this regard, as for the ideal language, this study underlines Saco’s loyalty to rural and village Galician, in sharp contrast with the greater part of the positions held by other authors of his day, who, in general terms, present strong anti-populist prejudices. On the other hand, this analysis shows that Saco’s grammar adopts a decidedly descriptive perspective, which is reflected in the inclusion within the text of different types of variants (phonetic, morphological, lexical) and a strong restriction of mandatory comments.


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