Musical Organology and Other Aspects of Ethnomusicological Interest in the 'Poetic Essays in the Bierzo Dialect' of Antonio Fernández Morales




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Suárez Pérez, H. L. (2017) “Musical Organology and Other Aspects of Ethnomusicological Interest in the ’Poetic Essays in the Bierzo Dialect’ of Antonio Fernández Morales”, Boletín da Real Academia Galega. A Coruña, (378), pp. 613–640. doi: 10.32766/brag.378.715.



Antonio Fernández Morales


  • Héctor Luís Suárez Pérez



Antonio Fernández Morales, musical organology, organological lexicography, ethnomusicological lexicography, Bierzo, León, Galicia, romanticism, folk-lore


In the Iberian northwest, over the earths of the province known as Bierzo, the work of Morales contributes a specific interdisciplinary lexicography collected in vernacular language. From the ethnomusicology, musical organology, philology and ethnography, researcher plane, the philological corpus constitutes and interesting reference that documents along the time, and thoroughnessly it describes different aspects of all condition. Repertoires, objects, musical instruments, scenes and landscapes, sounds of daily’s people reality and traditions related to him, which are from first part of the end of s. XIX. They are addressed both in the rural side of the small urban cores, heads of the region, as in the profane and religious sides. All is faced in a literary way with a relevant substrate and socio political importance, common in the romantical international thinking currents of his time, to which the author, a well known progresist, is not stranger.


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