The Difficult Game of Transparency




How to Cite

Riveiro Coello, A. (2017) “The Difficult Game of Transparency”, Boletín da Real Academia Galega. A Coruña, (378), pp. 77–88. doi: 10.32766/brag.378.677.



Estudos sobre a figura homenaxeada no Día das Letras Galegas


  • Antón Riveiro Coello



Carlos Casares, transparent, narrative, oral storytelling, Galician game, realism, spontaneity


This article is a brief route across Carlos Casares’ storytelling. The goal is to highlight the challenges he faced until he defined his transparent style, his clear voice centred in the suggestion and in the obstinate passion for orality. This was something crucial in his literature, which was filled with an important colloquial atmosphere. From the first short stories of Vento ferido to his posthumous novel O sol do verán, this article analyses the key role that the author played in the Galician culture, becoming a true alternative to reach the universality of our literature. He accomplished this by always reinforcing our identity, by bringing together the pleasure of realism and the most innovative techniques of the 20th century; and in doing so he transferred all the freshness and spontaneity of oral storytelling to the most cultured narrative.


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