As paisaxes identitarias na literatura de Manuel María




How to Cite

García, X. L. (2016) “As paisaxes identitarias na literatura de Manuel María”, Boletín da Real Academia Galega. A Coruña, (377), pp. 245–264. doi: 10.32766/brag.377.509.



Estudos sobre a figura homenaxeada no Día das Letras Galegas


  • Xosé Lois García



Manuel María, landscape, Terra Chá, home, Ribeira Sacra


In this paper, several elements from the landscapes present in Manuel María’s literary work are analyzed. This work falls within the context of Galician poetic tradition ever since medieval troubadours. They are the same landscapes that have transcended in Rosalía de Castro’s poetry since the late 19th century, in her book En las Orillas del Sar, in the novel La Madre Naturaleza by Emilia Pardo Bazán, and later in El bosque animado by Wenceslao Fernández Flórez. In the 1950s came the publication of the first poetry books by Manuel María that naturalize the more intimate landscapes which the poet from Outeiro de Rei is related to. In this study about landscape in Manuel María’s poetry, the focus is placed on pantheism as a result of the observation and the silent dialogues he holds with the different landscapes. Another of the crucial elements analyzed in this work is the house as a center of cohabitation, the story of a life in common that becomes Manuel María’s first nation and where several expressions and some very well defined scenic nuances about Terra Chá and Ribeira Sacra are found. Landscape, culture and tradition are essential elements in Manuel María’s rural thought in its broadest dimension.


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