A poesía última de Manuel María. Os libros que abren o seu canto final




How to Cite

López Foxo, M. (2016) “A poesía última de Manuel María. Os libros que abren o seu canto final”, Boletín da Real Academia Galega. A Coruña, (377), pp. 51–60. doi: 10.32766/brag.377.496.



Estudos sobre a figura homenaxeada no Día das Letras Galegas


  • Manuel López Foxo




Renewal of poetic speech, ultimate poetry, inward journey


This paper asserts the books with which Manuel María renews his own poetic speech during the seventies and the titles with which he contributes to the change of direction that occurs in Galician poetry at that time. According to the author of this text, this new poetic language in Manuel María’s work already emerges in the book Informe para axudar a alcender unha cerilla, the poet writes in 1970, we can also observe it in the verses of Aldraxe contra a xistra and Laio e clamor pola Bretaña, two works written in 1972, continues and acquires body with the poem collection O libro das baladas, written in 1973, also manifested in the breakup forms of his most militant poetry (Cantos rodados para alleados e colonizados and Poemas para construír unha patria), and takes a giant step in his Poemas ao outono, that were born and reborn between October 1975 and mid-1976, twenty sonnets that open definitely the last creative stage of the poet, his late canto, a lyrical corpus that even within that period before the emergence of the eighties poetry, offers us books as splendid as Cecais hai unha luz, written in mid-1979, and Poemas da labarada estremecida, produced in 1980.


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García-Bodaño, Salvador (2016): “Evocación de Manuel María”, en Luís Cochón e Luís Alonso Girgado (eds.), Manuel María. Cecais hai unha luz. Memorabilia. Cadernos Ramón Piñeiro XXXV. Santiago de Compostela: Centro Ramón Piñeiro para a Investigación en Humanidades, 105-110.

Gómez Torres, Camilo (2016): A poesía de Manuel María. [Outeiro de Rei]: Casa-Museo Manuel María.

Mato Fondo, Miguel A. (2011): Señardade da luz (A obra poética de Manuel María). A Coruña: Asociación cultural Alexandre Bóveda.