Díaz Castro e a escola do seminario de Mondoñedo




How to Cite

Villares Mouteira, F. (2014) “Díaz Castro e a escola do seminario de Mondoñedo”, Boletín da Real Academia Galega. A Coruña, (375), pp. 47–64. doi: 10.32766/brag.375.439.



Estudos sobre a figura homenaxeada no Día das Letras Galegas


  • Félix Villares Mouteira




Xosé M.ª Díaz Castro, Poetical School of the Mondoñedo Seminary


Historically the Mondoñedo Seminary had and still has a great significance to Galician Literature. Most of the poets and writers born in the northern part of the province of Lugo received their education in its classrooms. Moreover, scholars studying Galician Literature argue the existence of a Poetical School of the Mondoñedo Seminary on the basis of a series of common features shared by all the poets who once belonged to it: a good cultural formation, a great deal of creative inspiration drawn from Greek and Latin classical writers, the preoccupation with language and with lexical richness, the folk and popular tendencies showed by their poetry, the preponderance of the descriptive verse, a poetry which celebrates the little things, and a deep-rooted religious feeling.

Xosé María Díaz Castro joined the Seminary in 1929 and remained there until 1940, with the exception of the years of the Spanish Civil War. There he learned to write poems which he then published under the guidance of Aquilino Iglesia Alvariño. Díaz Castro holds a prominent place in the Poetical School of the Mondoñedo Seminary.


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