O Valle-Inclán de Valentín Paz-Andrade




How to Cite

Villanueva, D. (2012) “O Valle-Inclán de Valentín Paz-Andrade”, Boletín da Real Academia Galega. A Coruña, (373), pp. 275–291. doi: 10.32766/brag.373.413.



Estudos sobre a figura homenaxeada no Día das Letras Galegas


  • Darío Villanueva




Cultural renaissance, Idiomatic syncretism, Palimpsest, Matter of Galicia, Esperpento, Galecidade


In 1966 Valentín Paz-Andrade is invited to Xornadas Galegas of Buenos Aires and the promoters of the Galician Center suggest to tackle the efeméride of the centenary of the birth of Ramón del Valle-Inclán. On the following year, the book derived from those conferences, The announcement of Valle-Inclán, offers a vindicative vision of the galecidade of Valle-Inclán that does not separate, in the substantive thing, of that Castelao will stop formulated shortly after the death of don Ramón in a conference read in Havana in January, 1939, titled “Galicia and Valle-Inclán”.

The main thesis of the book consists of linking to Valle-Inclán with the renaissance of the arts and the letters in Galicia that was already germinating from shortly before its birth in 1866. To this biographical reconstruction between cultural and historical of the early Valle-Inclán, Paz-Andrade adds three dimensions more specifically referring to the aesthetics and literary analysis: the first is what rightly called “the subject matter of Galicia”; the same way, there is the Galician aesthetic imprint of the grotesque esperpento; and finally, a controversial matter, the so-called by the critical “process of linguistic recastamiento”. The “idiomatic syncretism” of Valle-Inclán has to do with a functioning luck in literature of a tongue like substratum of other one, by way of palimpsest.


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