Por unha canonización (que non beatificación) da obra de Lois Pereiro




How to Cite

Queixas Zas, M. (2011) “Por unha canonización (que non beatificación) da obra de Lois Pereiro”, Boletín da Real Academia Galega. A Coruña, (372), pp. 183–197. doi: 10.32766/brag.372.387.



Estudos sobre a figura homenaxeada no Día das Letras Galegas


  • Mercedes Queixas Zas




literary present, revision of the canon, educational inclusion, overcoming prejudices, educational innovation, Lois Pereiro and the school curriculum


The aim of this communication is to draw attention to the need to ensure we do not let Lois Pereiro die forever. Now that we have had the opportunity to discover him as a poet, and to get to know him as a narrator and essayist, it would be a great pity to disown his work forever, especially when his relationship with society throughout 2011 received so much public recognition.
Each and every one of us has the key to ensure that this door, which has finally been opened by the Galician Royal Academy (RAG), is left open for future generations. Knowing the period when Lois Pereiro was alive, helps us to understand the life we now want to build.
Whether editors, translators, researchers or teachers, from extensive critical theory to conveying and understanding his poems and thoughts, the mature, modern and intimate work of Lois Pereiro should be present in our time, both individually and collectively.
This is why it is important that the potential readers of the future, who we are currently educating, do not consequently miss the opportunity to discover a brilliant and eminent voice in the Galician literary canon.


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