Esteticismo e terribilità na obra poética de Lois Pereiro




How to Cite

Outeiriño, M. (2011) “Esteticismo e terribilità na obra poética de Lois Pereiro”, Boletín da Real Academia Galega. A Coruña, (372), pp. 127–143. doi: 10.32766/brag.372.382.



Estudos sobre a figura homenaxeada no Día das Letras Galegas


  • Manuel Outeiriño



sobriety, elegance, Dante, Vita Nuova, misfits, punk, aestheticism


Lois Pereiro’s last book came after and effort of expressive sobriety and elegance. The author left behind aestheticism artifice and wrote sober and moving poetry. In this last book, Pereiro added to his poems some reflexive notes written afterwards. This combination of poems and posterior reflections give us occasion to compare Pereiro’s last work with Dante’s Vita Nuova, a book also characterized by sober expression.
Pereiro’s poetry moved from punk, heroin and misfit’s aestheticism to a more expressive and elegant sobriety.


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